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How to replace the brake pads on your coupé?


Replacing the brake pads of your coupé car

Replacing the brake pads on your coupe car is a relatively simple task that can be done by a professional or by yourself if you are an experienced DIYer. This article will take you step by step through the process of replacing the brake pads on your coupe car.

Step 1: Prepare the vehicle

Before you start replacing the brake pads, you must first prepare the vehicle. Start by making sure the vehicle is in the “park” position and the handbrake is on. Then disconnect the battery and remove the front wheels. Once the vehicle is ready, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Remove worn brake pads

Once the vehicle is ready, you can remove the worn brake pads. Start by removing the protective cap and unscrewing the screws that hold the brake pads in place. Once the screws are removed, you can remove the worn brake pads and set them aside.

Step 3: Install the new brake pads

Once the worn brake pads are removed, you can install the new brake pads. Start by cleaning the contact surface of the brake pads with a clean cloth. Next, install the new brake pads and screw them into place. Once the brake pads are installed, you can move on to the next step.

Step 4: Reinstall wheels and battery

Once the brake pads are installed, you can reinstall the wheels and battery. Start by refitting the wheels and tightening them to the correct tension. Then reconnect the battery and check that all connections are tight. Once everything is in place, you can move on to the final step.

Step 5: Check the proper operation of the brake pads

Once everything is in place, you can check the proper operation of the brake pads. Start by checking that the brake pads are properly installed and that they are properly aligned with the brake discs. Then apply the handbrake and check that the brake pads are properly applied. Once everything is in order, you can ride safely.

Replacing the brake pads on your coupe car is a relatively simple task that can be done by a professional or by yourself if you are an experienced DIYer.